TRISTAN AND ISOLDE The tragic love story of Tristan and Isolde has been told and retold through various stories and poems. It takes place during the time of King Arthur. Tristan, whose name means “sorrow”, was a noble knight. Isolde was the daughter of Angwish, King of Ireland. She was to marry King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew, Tristan, to Ireland to bring Isolde to Cornwall. Before leaving Ireland, Isolde’s mother gave a love potion to Isolde’s maid, Brangraine, telling her to keep it safe until they reached Cornwall. She ought to give it to Isolde on her wedding night. Sometime during the voyage, Isolde and Tristan drank the potion and fell forever in love. Isolde got married to Mark of Cornwall even though she was still in love with Tristan. When King Mark found out, he forgave Isolde, but Tristan was sent away from Cornwall. Tristan moved to King Arthur’s court and later went to Brittany. After falling ill, he sent for Isolde hoping that she would be able to cure him. If she agreed to come, the returning ship’s sails would be white, or the sails would be black if she did not agree. Isolde went to meet Tristan but forgot to put up the white sails. When Tristan was told that the sails were black, he died of grief. Isolde died soon after of a broken heart. Adapted from